Thursday, September 6, 2012

Movement and Unattachment

The most curious part of life is the way it kicks your ass and then gives you enough of a reward to continue while having faith in the future. That sound euphemistic, but it's true. Once you ride through the rough part it actually surprises you once the tide changes. Yet, as emotional creatures, we either adjust or we don't and I'm very resilient so I adjust.

I hate to say I'm a bit excited about life, but I am. I have made so many adjustments recently that I have decided to continue being existential about it -- in a Zen way. =)   That sounds really irresponsible, yet allow me to explain.  From the moment I saw my father die when I was eight, I knew that life wasn't fair and sometimes it was really fucking cruel.  I know that I had no impact upon my father's death, yet his death impacted my life. Therefore, I have always had my unique spiritual look at life --- bad things happen to you but you don't have to react poorly to what you experience.

Poor reactions are usually caused by attachment to things or people which bring us happiness and prevent us from focusing upon the truly difficult things in our lives.  Obviously, this is a Buddhist perspective of our experience but it's a necessary way for me to think. I have a cut & paste religious perspective ---- but right now, I have had a moment to write & I spent it talking about religion; dammit!

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