Monday, September 3, 2012


Here I am. I miss my mom. I miss having family and friend's and I have a difficult time with ALL holiday's. It's embarrassing to constantly feel that way so admitting it here is about as close as I'll ever get to admitting it.

I have tried and am going to continue trying to be the best person I can. I can't say that I've had a fabulous weekend, I won't say it was horrible. I can't say anything about this weekend -- well, I learned lessons this weekend. And learning is always a good thing. The subject matter may be annoying as hell, but if you don't get an opportunity to learn that, well, you'll be around things that are annoying as hell and soon you'll just accept it.

I want to be a likable person. I try to be likable and I think it's time for me to admit that I'm not doing a very good job. Not with the likability, but with the changing. My life has to change and I usually love it when this happens. I'm not so in love with it and I'm trying to not show any sort of weakness regarding this. It's human to dislike change, though. And there is usually positive ending. It's all about perspective.

Am I the 'asshole whisperer' --- if so, let's hope the asshole whisperer is quiet for the rest of the week!

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